Whoo – The history of 后:韓國皇后的秘密

最近都愛在家做皇后。嘻嘻!因為我用了 Whoo 。Whoo-The history of 后這個品牌,早前進駐了香港連卡佛,它的來頭非常簡單直接,就是韓國皇后的秘密,宮廷祕方護膚品。


秘貼自生精華(Bichup Ja Saeng Essence)

要認識這個品牌,必先由「秘貼」開始。秘貼自生精華(Bichup Ja Saeng Essence)是一瓶能一次過解決所有肌膚問題的精華素。單看成分,已覺得好好玩。它薀含具有自我修復能力的超紫河秘丹,和三大宮廷秘方,分別是拱辰秘丹,瓊玉秘丹和清心秘丹。這些講完也不知道是甚麼的秘丹,充滿神秘感。不過,用後它那飽滿,修緊,滋潤的效果真不能少看。尤其是它的味道,很舒適;我不喜歡韓式護膚品的人蔘味,它不是。用了一段日子,皮膚好像真是變好了,膚色也均勻了不少啊!這個「秘貼」,必試。

還幼眼霜(Hwanyu-dongango (Eye Cream))

接著,要說「還幼」了。「還幼」系列有三個產品,而我用的是這個還幼眼霜(Hwanyu-dongango (Eye Cream))。「還幼」系列的成分更誇張,它是蘊含74種宮廷藥材的神秘配方,包括天然山參冬蟲夏草,鹿茸冬蟲夏草,長生何首烏冬蟲夏草,還有天山雪蓮等,是極品中的極品。瓶頂的鳳凰標誌,也是品牌希望「還幼」能像牠般帶出逆轉的奇蹟,永遠年輕。聽說此產品能令肌膚回到十年前的狀態呢!用後我的眼睛雖然還未回到十年前,但眼部肌膚的確柔軟了,皮膚彈性又真的好像改善了啊!


去看看Whoo-The history of 后的官方介紹

Whoo is a Korean beauty brand.  They are using ancient royal recipe for their skin care and cosmetic products.  It was said that those recipe was secretly used by the Queen in the past.  I tried several of their products and I think they are good products for mature skin or people who live in area with dry weather.

The Bichup Ja Saeng Essence is an essence that to be used before everything after you clean your face.  It helps to deal with many skin problem.  After I used it, I feel my skin more supple and clear.  And I like the smell of this essence because it doesn’t have strong ginseng smell.

The Hwanyu-dongango eye cream is a premium eye cream.  The texture is extremely smooth and easy to apply and absorb into your skin.  It claimed that this product can help to rewind your time by 10 years.  Hahaa! I don’t think my skin around my eyes were rewinded by 10 years, though I can feel the soft and suppleness that it helps to improve my skin.

I bought these products from Lane Crawford, but you can also shop them online at YesStyle.com.

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